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Showing posts from August, 2009

Office 2003 – fix SKU011.CAB annoyance

I recently setup a new user on a PC someone else had been using.  The PC had Office 2003 Professional installed. Upon running Outlook 2003 for the first time Office looks for a file off the original install CD and will not proceed without it.  The file in question is “SKU011.CAB”.  Other Office applications, e.g. Word, will continue to work even if the file is missing but Outlook refuses to play ball. Unfortunately, the client couldn’t find their 2003 install CD.  I got my own and searched it for “SKU011.CAB” but it wasn’t to be found.  How strange! Eventually I found the fix on which involves changing a registry key so as to prevent Office from looking for the CD.  As always, making changes to the registry can be a very risky business if you’re not sure what you’re at.  Always take a backup of the registry by creating a Restore Point using System Restore… Start | Run | regedit Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Softwa...

The Need for Speed with DOSBox

I recently stumbled upon my beloved old copy of the absolutely fantastic original "The Need for Speed". This fabulous game came out in 1994 and blew me away. My sister, her boyfriend (now husband) and I spend a crazy number of hours playing this game. It rocked! How to get it to play now though...? Well, I've used the wonderful DOSBox before for playing Doom 2 and Commander Keen and the like. This software runs in Windows (XP for example) and emulates a DOS environment with an old SoundBlaster 16 soundcard. Would it work with TNFS (The Need for Speed)? After a lot of trial and error I finally got it working after getting a tip from a forum on a site called "alldeaf" ( I hadn't mounted the CDROM drive properly. Here's what you need to do: Create a folder/directory on root of your C: drive called "tnfs" (i.e. c:\tnfs) Run DOSBox Type "mount c c:\tnfs" Type "mount d d:\ -t cdrom" Type d: Type "inst...